Geraldton District Hospital, Building

Message from the CEO GDH April 2016

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Message from the CEO GDH

April 2016

GDH CEO Lucy Bonanno

National Volunteer Appreciation Week

April 10th to 16th


Volunteers are the Roots of Strong Communities



The Geraldton District Hospital hosted the annual Volunteer Appreciation Social on Monday April 11, 2016, at which time the Volunteers’ Tree of Life Recognition Awards were presented.

The Volunteers’ Tree of Life is dedicated to the life of Pauline Dolores Butterworth (1942-2002) due to her commitment to the hospital and patients. She volunteered tirelessly.  After her death, her husband Rev. Gerald Butterworth dedicated funds to begin the official ‘Tree of Life Recognition Award’. It is located in the main lobby of Geraldton District Hospital.

There is a list of criteria that the nominated individuals must meet that the Selection Committee reviews prior to making their selection.  An Ad Hoc Hospital Committee comprised of hospital employees and volunteers work to both formalize and maintain consistency in the process of nomination and selection of recipients of this award.     The volunteer’s actions must reflect the Mission, Vision and Values of Geraldton District Hospital.

The guidelines are based on the criteria of:

  •  Qualities (contributions and commitment)
  •  Length of Service
  •  Altruism
  •  Impact on Hospital Mission, Vision and Values Statement
  •  Role Model to others
  •  Details of Volunteer Activities


Successful candidates will have their name permanently inscribed on a leaf of the Volunteer Tree of Life, located in the hospital lobby.

Volunteers are found in numerous roles. At times the public does not realize the amount of work these folks put in for the wellbeing of patients, families and the community at large.

Our volunteers can be found at numerous events throughout the year; from time in the Gift Shop along with ordering all the gifts and food items seen, running the yearly Penny Auction, Bake Sales, knitting items such as slippers, afghans, baby blankets, scarves, mittens and neck warmers. To driving residents who otherwise would not be able to get to their medical appointments, and various other events.

The Hospice North West Program Volunteers (one of 5 regional sites east of Thunder Bay), offer support to individuals and their families at end-of-life by providing a comforting presence, spiritual support, respite for families, whose compassion, patience and just being there to help in any way possible during a difficult and sensitive time.

Along with regular visits to the John Owen Evans Residence to provide one-on-one visits, they assist with some recreation programs, pet therapy, and help during special events.


It must be noted that our Board of Directors are volunteers. They give of their time month after month with nothing expected in return except that our community is served with high quality healthcare.

It is with great pleasure that I announce this year’s recipients’ from the Auxiliary are Sonia Belisle and Nicole Pineault, from Hospice North West are Michelle Brunet and Ralph Humphreys, and from the Board of Directors is Victor Chapais.

Congratulations Sonia, Nicole, Ralph, Michelle and Victor!

From Lt to Rt Jamie McPherson, Ralph Humphreys, Victor Chapais, Nicole Pineault, Michelle Brunet, Sonia Belisle, Lucy Bonanno

Jamie McPherson, Ralph Humphreys, Victor Chapais, Nicole Pineault, Michelle Brunet, Sonia Belisle, Lucy Bonanno

We also have volunteers from the Horticultural Society. The gardens at the hospital are being maintained by these wonderful individuals. I have been a gardening enthusiast for years now and believe flowers are a gift from Nature; they add beauty to any situation or place.

To all volunteers who keep on giving and giving, we would not be what we are without you!

Some items purchased from our Auxiliary fundraising:

  1. Recently, the Chair, BluRay player and TV for our Chemotherapy Room – for when patients come in, they are as comfortable as possible, during a difficult treatment.
  2. A Bariatric Chair for our physiotherapy department (2012).
  3. Commodes and Slings (2013).
  4. The multi-purpose washer (2014).
  5. The AccuVein400 (2015).
  6. Pledged $7,500 towards a GlideScope (2016).




My sincere thanks to our volunteers for all that you do, it is indeed, my pleasure to work with you!




Lucy Bonanno